Drew of West Penwith and Beyond

A meeting place for researchers of the Drew family of West Penwith and Redruth areas, and their associated families. If you have come across this site during searches for Drew family history, and you feel you might be connected, please contact one of the members to have your name added to the members list.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Bennet(t) Drew of Walworth, Surrey - Part the Second

I've found him, and family, in the 1851 Census at last! In the end, I searched for Jane M DREW, and found that Bennet(t) had been recorded as something that looks like "Barnett" and had been transcribed as (from memory) "Baraett". The odd thing is, Bennett the son had been born but wasn't included and I can't find him anywhere. Note: In the 1851 census, he appears to have been recorded as Benjamin Drew, grandson, living with Henry and Polly Hosking in Penzance.

But the exciting news is that I have some more on wife, Jane Moyle HOSKING. I had looked at baptisms in many of the parishes around Penzance with no luck but the very nice person known on B-G Forums as "Bo Peep" found a possible, in fact the only, Jane Moyle Hosking baptised in St Hilary, 15 April 1827, daughter of Henry (Blacksmith) and Polly. Using that info in the 1841 Census, that family was living in Market Jew Street, Penzance at census time. That puts them close to Bennet(t), who was living in Marine Terrace. Note: Looking around the family trees in Ancestry.com, it would appear that Polly was Polly MOYLE. I have sent off a request to one person for further information.

Just two years later, Bennet(t) and Jane were getting hitched in Shoreditch. Do you reckon they eloped?

Now, to find the details to allow us to work out the relationship (if any) between Jane Moyle Hosking and Bennet(t)'s mother, Eliza Hosking.

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  • At 8:29 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hi, new to the site, thanks.


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